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How Asbestos Enters The Body?

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Asbestos has been used widely in the construction industry since the early 1900s, meaning potentially millions of workers have been exposed to the dangerous material over time. Although the health effects of asbestos exposure were originally denied by the asbestos industry, the evidence gradually became undeniable as the life expectancy of asbestos workers plummeted and … Continue reading

Where Does Asbestos Go Once Removed?

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

If you’ve discovered asbestos in your property, it’s crucial you hire a professional asbestos removal company instead of trying to do it yourself, as any disturbance of asbestos fibres can cause extensive health issues to those who inhale them. Unfortunately, asbestos was used for a number of items during the 1900s to the 1980s, therefore … Continue reading

Car Products That Contained Asbestos

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Even decades after being banned, asbestos can still be found in the strangest of places. When working in older buildings, there are regulations and procedures in place which must be followed to ensure asbestos isn’t present before workers enter the area to protect them from a multitude of health risks. However, it is not as … Continue reading

Is There Asbestos In Your Christmas Decorations

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Every Christmas across the UK, everyone pulls out their used Christmas decorations without thinking much of it. Up until a few decades ago, asbestos was widely used in a lot of household items, including Christmas decorations. Asbestos has fire retardant properties, a highly desirable attribute for items that will be placed on flammable trees and … Continue reading

Asbestos in Fake Snow

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

During the Golden Age of Hollywood, directors went to extreme lengths to create the perfect settings and shots, so when it came to wintery scenes, they had to find a non-flammable, non-melting substance for snow. Back in the 1930s, cotton wasn’t the immediate choice because it posed a fire risk and instead, asbestos was the … Continue reading

Asbestos Popcorn Ceilings: What Should You Do?

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Asbestos is employed for a multitude of uses, predominantly for insulation as it is highly resistant to heat and electricity. Asbestos was used heavily in the construction industry for many decades, before the discovery of the effect it has on human health. Slowly, asbestos-related deaths began surfacing in the news, leading to the eventual ban … Continue reading

What to do if you have been exposed to Asbestos?

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Asbestos is a well-known health hazard, causing panic when discovered in local buildings and pipework. Asbestos was widely used for years due to its unusual properties –  the mineral fibers are flexible and resistant to heat, chemicals, and electricity. This made asbestos an ideal choice for the construction industry, who used it to create a … Continue reading

Common Places and Items Which Could Contain Asbestos

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Although asbestos was banned from sale in 1999, there still remains asbestos in homes and commercial buildings throughout the UK. Breathing in even a small amount of asbestos can cause irreversible lung damage, so it’s crucial to know you live in a home or work in a building that is asbestos-free. Asbestos was predominantly used … Continue reading

Things to Know When Buying or Selling a House with Asbestos

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

Asbestos – a word with the ability to strike fear into any house buyer or seller. The highly fibrous material has been used to construct buildings for decades, but has since been outlawed completely (in 1999) in the UK. But what is it and what does its presence mean for homeowners and buyers?      … Continue reading

How to Tell if Your Garage Roof is Made from Asbestos

Posted on by Asbestos Waste Solutions Limited

It’s difficult to determine whether or not your property contains asbestos. When it comes to ripping out or modernising your garage, it’s important to know whether any of it contains asbestos. But fear not, because we’re on hand to inform you about how to identify asbestos in your garage roof. How to Identify Asbestos It … Continue reading